In placing puppies it is important to determine each individual puppy’s placement according to that specific puppy’s personality, and by the role it will play in its new family. As a breeder, I feel it is very important to place each puppy in the right home, by carefully evaluating each puppy’s temperament as it is growing up.
I work with buyers to choose what puppy would work best for them from the litter. It is my goal for the dog to have a happy, lifetime home with equally happy owners, and
As a professional dog trainer and dog phychologist my experience is helpful in matching puppies and owners.
While buyers may choose to limit what sex and color puppy they would like to have, I do not encourage this. This will limit your chances of getting a puppy from a specific litter, since the puppy of that color and sex in the litter may not be the best match for you. (FYI… the differences between a male and a female that will be neutered or spayed is minimal. Both make excellent pets.)
Careful breeding of puppies on a limited basis is not a made-to-order business in regards to color, sex, temperament or quality (show or pet).
In matching puppies with owners, I try to be as expedient as possible but will begin making final decisions about which homes individual puppies go to aroudn 6 weeks of age when overall health, temperament, structure and movement can be clearly evaluated. (Puppies do not leave for their new homes until they are at least 8 weeks.
Contact plusaussies@gmail.com
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Performance Plus Australian Shepherds